Before you upload a design, please make sure your file meets all of the guidelines outlined here. It must be sized correctly (6.123 X 4.123), be LESS than 10 Mb in size, and be in PDF format with all fonts embedded. for best results, we recommend you upload designs with a resolution of 300 dpi (Dots Per Inch) or higher. Your PDF must have TWO pages. Page one of your PDF will print as the FRONT, page TWO will print as the BACK page.
- Document size must be set to 6.123 X 4.123
- PDF’s must be no more than 10MB
- All fonts must be embedded
- Graphics should be 300 DPI (dots per inch)
- Color should by CMYK
- Dimensions of the PDF should match the appropriate template for that product.
- The PDF needs to have two pages. Page one is the FRONT, and page two is the BACK (mailing) side.